Happy 2012, my couple of readers out there!
I have no idea what has kept me off this blog so long, but I do apologize. I do not have the de rigueur excuse of "I'm not knitting, so I've got nothing to show!" I have been knitting. Quite a lot. You know, holidays and all that :).
Top ten excuses you, my readers, might accept for several months of no posting:
1. I was fairly certain that nobody would notice :).
2. I was right.
3. My desire to keep up with the Joneses (aka my buddy The Crafty Doctor) had not yet been piqued. Who knew she had not descended into a period of ignoring the blog as I did? Who knew she was actually, you know, maintaining a blog she started? And that Dalek washcloth is pure cool.
4. My mother already knows what's going on in my life.
5. I'm listening to the archives of Cast On and reading through the archives of several knitblogs. Envy and embarassment set in simultaneously.
6. Holiday knitting went along at such speed and with such grit and determination that it was impossible to document. Heisenberg's principle of Knitting Uncertainty: If you know how fast a holiday knitter is going, you don't know where (s)he is in the pattern. It's all a blur, and a blog couldn't keep up.
7. I decided this blog needed to be like a fashion designer's runway show... no tales of in-progress projects to bore you, just a twice a year display of the latest awesome.
8. My dog is not ready for her closeup. She's a diva.
9. I'm the worst knitting photographer in the known world, and everyone knows photographs of one's knitting are the only thing that makes people read a knitblog.
10. I have, shockingly, been doing actual work at work. I'm curing cancer, folks. Seriously :).
Stay tuned for actual posts this year, containing actual content about actual knitting that I have been doing. Wait...don't leave me...would it change your mind if I promised you a post about my very first sweater, right now in the sewing-up stages?
Yay! I have posts to read! After reading your newly-updated blog in a frenzy of reading motivation, I felt compelled to congratulate you on actually writing something more insightful/meaningful than "here's my latest project. Read it and weep." But please do remind me to post picture(s) of my TARDIS washcloth that took forever to draft and re-draft (and re-draft and you get the picture)....